Havel Ruck Projects

Dan Havel: 832-671-9974
Dean Ruck: 713-861-2732
2018 "Open House", Sam Houston Park, Houston, TX
"Ripple", Cherryhurst House, Houston, TX
"Sharp", Seeds of Sharpstown Project, Sharpstown, Tx,
2014 "Three Houses", Art League Houston, Houston, TX
2012 "Western Sequels, Art from the Lone Star State", Athens School of Fine Art, Athens, Greece
and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey
2011 "Torrent", public art sculpture, City of Houston Permit and Licensing Building
"Fifth Ward Jam", public art project, Fifth Ward, Houston, TX
2009 "Architectural Euthanasia, a Survey of Havel Ruck Projects", Houston AIA, Houston Architecture Center, Houston, TX
"No Zoning, Contemporary Art Museum", Houston, TX
2008 "False Space and Time in the Apartment", CentralTrak, Dallas, TX
2007 "Artadia 2006" Exhibition, DiverseWorks, Houston, TX
2005 "Apt. Suite", site specific installations,Houston, TX
"Inversion", Art League, Houston, TX
"Scatterboats", Estudio Abierto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1995 "O House", house installation with Kate Petley Houston, TX
2018 Jack Murphy Assoc AIA, Havel Ruck’s Ripple, Texas Architect Magazine, May/June
Molly Glentzer, Project Transforms Bungalow Into Swirling Wonderland, Houston Chronicle, March 16
Christiana Sullivan, Texas Architect Magazine, Havel Ruck Projects Open House in Sam Houston Park, Aug. 15
David Miller, Inside the New Holey House in Downtown Houston, Houston Chronicle, July 17
2016 Nanotechture, book featuring Inversion project, Phaidon Press
David Miller, It Creates its Own Light, Cite Magazine (photos)
2014 Three Houses – Artist of Year, Catalog, Art League Houston
Molly Glentzner, Three Houses review, Houston Chronicle, Oct. 3 (photos)
2013 “Landscape Installation Art”, book featuring Inversion project, Tianjin Ifengspace Media,
(published in Mandarin and English)
2012 Jeff Huebner, “The Power of Impermanence”, Public Art Review, (photo) Fifth Ward Jam, fall/winter 2012
Fatos Ustek, Unexpected Encounters, book featuring Inversion project, published in Portuguese (photos)
Ripley’s Believe it or Not – “Inversion” installation (photo)
2011 Lisa Gray, “Artists Turn Bungalow into 'Fifth Ward Jam' Installation”, Houston Chronicle, Sept. 30, (photo)
“The Men Who Make Houses Explode (All for the Sake of Art)”, U.K. Daily Mail, Oct. 11
“Strikingly True - Ripleys Believe it Or Not, 2011”, Inversion House, (photo)
2009 "Brilliant Installation Artworks Around the World", Saenggakjaeng-I (The Big Thinker),
Korean Children’s Magazine, No. 131, pg. 35, (photos).
Douglas Britt, “CAMH No Zoning touts City’s Art Permeability”, Houston Chronicle, May 1
Lisa Gray, “After the Whirlwind”, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 6, (photo)
2008 Archistorm Magazine, fall issue
2007 Space Craft, Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts, book, photo essay on “Inversion”
2006 Arthur Worthmann, “The Implosion”, Mark Magazine, Issue #2, (photos)
2005 Johnson, Patricia, Apartment Suite, Houston Chronicle Sept. 8 (photo)
Klaasmeyer, Kelly, Tunnel of Love, Houston Press, June 23, (photo)
Peters, Patrick, Curb a Peel Along Montrose Texas Architect, July / August (photos)
Ataeva, Anna, Wrong Side/Aesthetics of Destruction, Our Town,
Houston Russian Community Newspaper (photo) (in Russian)
Peters, Patrick essay, CITE, Fall issue (photo)
Alison de Lima Greene, O House/Inversion essay, Gulf Coast Magazine, (photo)
1996 Peters, Patrick, Casa Lucida/Casa Obscura Cite Magazine, Spring (photos)
1995 O House review, Public Art Review, Spring/Summer, (photo)
O House review, artlies Magazine, Spring, (photo)
Johnson, Patricia, O House review, Houston Chronicle, April 28, (photos)
Ward, Elizabeth, O House essay, Circa Magazine, Fall, (photo)
2019 Americans for the Arts, Public Art Review Top 50, Open House
2018 Americans for the Arts, Public Art Review Top 50, Sharp
2015 Inducted into the Houston Artist Hall of Fame, Houston Fine Arts Fair
2014 Art League Houston - Artists of the Year 2014
2009 Texas Society of Architects – Artisan Honor Award
2008 Houston Arts Alliance Artist Neighborhood Project Grant
Artists of the Year Award, Houston Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
Project Grant, Houston Architecture Foundation, Houston AIA
2006 Artadia Finalist Jury Award
Distinguished Achievement Award, Houston Chapter American Institute of Architects,
Houston Municipal Arts Commission
2005 Project Assistance Grant, CACHH
Project Assistance Grant, TCA
1995 Project Grant, “O House”, CACHH
2010 - present
2010 - present